I shot this footage our co-worker Lindsey while balancing on a rented CitiBike, pushed by my copywriter Ramon. He had to ride the bike back to the CitiBike dock every 45 minutes to check it back out.

We met up with a co-worker's friend at sunrise to film her morning walk with her dog. The edit ended up focusing on the dog park portion of the walk and came out beautifully.

Here's a side-by-side comparison before and after post-production and color grading. The post-production on the running video required a lot of camera stabilization, due to our hand-held camera rig and makeshift bicycle camera dolly. The color grade also helped to push the high production value look of the video. It was also necessary to remove the huge, glowing Colgate clock on the distant New Jersey waterfront. This breakdown was created while the pitch was still called "Minutes That Matter."

One of the unfortunate problems with New York City at sunrise is the amount of garbage in the streets. I did a lot of post-production garbage cleanup for this video that really classes it up. There was also a good amount of stabilization and color grading involved.

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