The docks are connected by cargo trains that are able to operate in a variable-gravity, variable-atmo environment. The locomotives are the workhorses of the rolling stock.
The docks are connected by cargo trains that are able to operate in a variable-gravity, variable-atmo environment. The locomotives are the workhorses of the rolling stock.
  Tanker cars transport liquids, quasi-liquids, superfluids, and Bose-Einstein Condensates around the yard.
Tanker cars transport liquids, quasi-liquids, superfluids, and Bose-Einstein Condensates around the yard.
  Cargo flatbeds are used to transport all manner of large components, such as these highspace jump coils.
Cargo flatbeds are used to transport all manner of large components, such as these highspace jump coils.
  Cannister transports are available for transporting hazardous materials, shielded gluon arrays, and semilinear fuel rods (pictured below).
Cannister transports are available for transporting hazardous materials, shielded gluon arrays, and semilinear fuel rods (pictured below).
  New ship concepts will eventually become the next generation of heavy freighters. This model was sculpted in Medium before being loaded into rendering and design software and will roll out into service next year.
New ship concepts will eventually become the next generation of heavy freighters. This model was sculpted in Medium before being loaded into rendering and design software and will roll out into service next year.
  Tanker ships are instrumental in hauling liquid and pseudo-liquids off to distant worlds. This tanker's cyclical drives can jump her into highspace as soon as she's out of the nearest gravity well.
Tanker ships are instrumental in hauling liquid and pseudo-liquids off to distant worlds. This tanker's cyclical drives can jump her into highspace as soon as she's out of the nearest gravity well.
  Multimodal megacontainers are as handy in space as they are in atmo, so moving them is vitally important to interstellar commerce. Freighters like this one move them where they need to go.
Multimodal megacontainers are as handy in space as they are in atmo, so moving them is vitally important to interstellar commerce. Freighters like this one move them where they need to go.
  Bulk carriers like this baby can take cargo in and out of atmospheres, and to the farthest reaches of the galactic core at ludicrous speeds.
Bulk carriers like this baby can take cargo in and out of atmospheres, and to the farthest reaches of the galactic core at ludicrous speeds.
  You can't spend the energy to generate multiple artigrav fields for weight-sensitive cargo, so spinships are here to do the job the old-fashioned way.
You can't spend the energy to generate multiple artigrav fields for weight-sensitive cargo, so spinships are here to do the job the old-fashioned way.
  The central control hub of the docks is where the trade deals go down. There's even a quaint little bar on the lowest hab ring with a fine view of the nearby globular cluster.
The central control hub of the docks is where the trade deals go down. There's even a quaint little bar on the lowest hab ring with a fine view of the nearby globular cluster.
  Ships come and go 36 hours a day at the numerous port spires. A robust pseudo-autonomous inventory system gets the cargo where it needs to go.
Ships come and go 36 hours a day at the numerous port spires. A robust pseudo-autonomous inventory system gets the cargo where it needs to go.
Transit gates in and out of the system.
Transit gates in and out of the system.
  The process of ship design follows some or all of these steps: sketch, linework, shading, and 3D model.
The process of ship design follows some or all of these steps: sketch, linework, shading, and 3D model.
  Quick Photoshop paintovers round out the ship design with the details that really make it pop. Paintjobs can follow the contours of the ship or go counter to them, depending on the intent of the design.
Quick Photoshop paintovers round out the ship design with the details that really make it pop. Paintjobs can follow the contours of the ship or go counter to them, depending on the intent of the design.
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