Alongside the inimitable Cryssy Cheung as still frame designer, I animated every moment of these 60- and 30-second spots for Paramount Network's Killer Classics movie marathon. The project presented a host of fun challenges including camera projection of 2D illustrations onto 3D geometry and the incorporation of 3D elements into 2D designs.
Society of Illustrators: Illustrator 63 Annual
2021 Clio Entertainment - BRONZE in Motion Graphics and Voice Over categories
Promax Global Excellence Awards - GOLD – Best Program Design Promo
Promax Global Excellence Awards - GOLD – Best Stunt Promotion
Promax Global Excellence Awards - GOLD – Best Holiday/Seasonal/Special Event Design Promo
Promax North America Awards - GOLD - In-House Program Promo, Design
Promax North America Awards - GOLD - Seasonal or Special Event Program Promo
Promax North America Awards - SILVER - Holiday/Seasonal/Special Event Design Promo
Creative Quarterly #62, 100 Best in Graphic Design
ADC 100th Annual Awards Shortlist
2021 One Show Shortlist
Thirty-second Killer Classics 2020 spot cutdown
Dropped sequence for Hostel that I really liked!
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