Deep Search Video and Breakdown
Deep Search was a personal project, envisioned as the opening to a show about taking submersibles to the bottom of the ocean in search of sunken ships and submerged treasure. The project began with the modeling of a submersible vehicle that would fill the HD frame in a pleasing manner. Inspiration was taken from numerous subs and details were added in areas that would be most visible to the camera in the three planned shots. I modeled the sub in Blender and Cinema 4D and used the stills to create design boards in Photoshop, to establish a color palette and a look and feel for the animation. The stills were then animated in After Effects to an audio track for timing purposes. The 3D model was textured and lit, rendered, and taken into After Effects for compositing. The "Deep Search" title was created with Blender's sculpt tool and rendered as a still image.