Our heroes, three young orphan girls, live in 1930s Edinburgh. The technology of the times is ever encroaching, squeezing the people of the city and choking them with coal smoke.

The orphans live in the attic in a run down but active old building.

My initial paint-over of my rough 3D model of the scene.

Each orphan sister has her own space in the attic apartment that they call The Den of Thieves. The youngest, a pickpocket, adores jewelry and fine fashion. The oldest, a thief of learning material, obsesses over travel and adventure. The middle sister swipes every plant she can find and raises them as her own.

The massing diagram I created to dictate the layout of the girls' individual attic spaces.

I created this drawing over the top of the above massing diagram before moving into 3D.

A production shot of The Den of Thieves interior reveals its inviting warmth and coziness.

This is one of the many pages of thumbnails I created to develop the Edinburgh exterior and interior spaces.

After discovering a treasure map, the sisters embark on an adventure to Alexandria, Egypt, where they gather supplies and hire a team of drivers to take them on an expedition into the deep desert.

Last Chance Depot, as the name suggests, is the last waystation before the endless sand.

A production shot of the garage of the depot shows its complex inner workings.

Part garage and part market, the Last Chance Depot hints at the trials to come.

Some of my initial sketches for the Last Chance depot exterior and garage.

After a treacherous journey, our heroines finally arrive at the Oasis Temple to find their fortune.

Look development thumbnails for the Oasis Temple, drawn in Photoshop.

The transport vehicle will take the sisters and their supplies into the desert.

The fuel truck, driven by a rather unpleasant man, causes quite some trouble later on. Know what happens when you shoot those red barrels?

The armament and supply truck takes the remainder of the caravan's adventurers out into the dunes.

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