Wacom stylus holder, mounted to the side of my Cintiq. I learned Fusion 360 for this project.

Wacom stylus holder prototyping.

My 3D printed business card. The QR code scans to this very website!

I made designed and printed these excellent snap-together bracelets that are already connected when they print out and have no scaffolding that needs removing. Some even GLOW IN THE DARK. Yeah, you read that right.

A cat skull I VR scuplted in Adobe Medium.

An earlier, smaller version of the cat skull, plus a bonus gravity buoy!

My first 3D prints: some little skulls I sculpted in ZBrush! Hello, World!

These skulls GLOW IN THE DARK!!

Skulls for days, and in all of the best colors!

Here's a little water tower from my virtual reality train set!